Disabled Love

Disabled love The Creightons were very proud of their son, Frank. When he went to college, naturally they missed him; but he wrote and they looked forward to his letters and saw him on weekends. Then Frank was drafted into the army. After he had been in the army about five months, he received his call to go to Vietnam. Of course, the parents’ anxiety was greater than ever before. And ever week they heard from him and were thankful for his well-being. Then one week went by without a letter ,two weeks and finally three. At the end of the third week a telegram came, saying, “We regret to inform you that your son has been missing for three weeks and is presumed to have been killed in action while fighting for his country.” The parents were grieved. They tried to accept the situation and go on living, but it was tragically lonesome. About three weeks later, however, the phone rang. A voice on the other end said,...